Thursday, June 17, 2010

When a man gets older he starts to lose his hair.?

why doesnt this happen to a woman?

When a man gets older he starts to lose his hair.?

Not all men loose their hair. Some women do.

It seems to be related to hormone balances in the body.

When a man gets older he starts to lose his hair.?

It does happen a lot, women with thinning hair. Definitely not at the same rate as men though.

When a man gets older he starts to lose his hair.?

not always the case.

When a man gets older he starts to lose his hair.?

Oh we may not go bald like men but our hair does tend to thin out as we age.

When a man gets older he starts to lose his hair.?

Women experience hair loss as well. Just not as much as men, plus when they do, they can use wigs. Not as noticeable.

When a man gets older he starts to lose his hair.?

were ju8st blessed we get menapause in place of hair loss lol

When a man gets older he starts to lose his hair.?

this does happen to wemen. just to a lesser extent.

When a man gets older he starts to lose his hair.?

It does you just don't hear about it as much

When a man gets older he starts to lose his hair.?

It does but its down to hormonal balance.

When a man gets older he starts to lose his hair.?


When a man gets older he starts to lose his hair.?

It does, especially in certain races. Go to Mexico and you will see all kinds of ads for Rogain for women.

When a man gets older he starts to lose his hair.?

it does, but it is just more rare. it has to do with testosterone, and some chicks produce more then others.

When a man gets older he starts to lose his hair.?

Not all men loose their hair. It's genetic. And the genetic code is passed on by the mother, not the father. So for example, if your Mom's father was bald, then her male children would have a chance of becoming bald.

When a man gets older he starts to lose his hair.?

Believe me, it does happen to women!!! Not to all women, and definetely not in the manner that it happens to men, such as going completely bald. And even then some have gone almost completely bald; in this case due to over use_and probably abuse_of haircolorings!

When a man gets older he starts to lose his hair.?

Women lose hair too. It's just not as common in women or easily detected because women address the issue and hide it. So, you don't see as many balk women walking around like you do men. BALD IS BEAUTIFUL!

When a man gets older he starts to lose his hair.?

because if you wear a hat when your young like everyday, which is mostly guys, that makes hair fall out when your older, and a guys hair is wayyyyy thinner than girls.

God Bless!閳?br>When a man gets older he starts to lose his hair.?

A man has too many worries about making a living.

When a man gets older he starts to lose his hair.?

It does, but it is much less common in women. Joan Collins is reputed to wear a wig because her hair is so thin, and I think there are other female celebrities who wear wigs to hide their thinning locks too.

When a man gets older he starts to lose his hair.?

Baldness runs in your genes from your mom's side. If you mom's dad was bald, you will be bald too.

When a man gets older he starts to lose his hair.?

There are many reasons why a man "loses his hair". The number one reason today is medication.

Then there is heredity: male pattern baldness.

Wearing a hat has long been cited as a cause, as is being in the outdoors a great deal of the time.

Women have a different makeup; my wife's hair has thinned to the point that it seems she has only half of her hair. I have a big bald spot, which I believe is caused by all the medications I was forced to take (in the Army).

But, if a man's hair is balding as he ages and it is not from medication or environment, it is hereditary. Of course, nowadays there are treatments for that.

When a man gets older he starts to lose his hair.?

Men don't actually lose their hair... It just migrates to the back and ears.

When a man gets older he starts to lose his hair.?

men are more likely to have pattern baldness because of their genes. Women are less likely because they have 2 X chromosomes, but this doesn't mean that women can't inherit balding.

When a man gets older he starts to lose his hair.?

mabey its because` there a different breed of Animal `??

When a man gets older he starts to lose his hair.?

they do..but not as much as man..

When a man gets older he starts to lose his hair.?

it doesnt happen to all men.. and it does happen to women. some woman actually do bald... but the most common is hair thinning. its all genetics though.

When a man gets older he starts to lose his hair.?

it can happen to any1!!

%26amp; not all mEn lose their hair as they age!some older men have healthy strong hair!

i guess its what u eat!

%26amp; what ur forefathers wre like!! it's hereditry!!

When a man gets older he starts to lose his hair.?

Not all men lose their hair as they get older. But this page may help

When a man gets older he starts to lose his hair.?

Both men and women can be genetically predispositioned for "Androgenetic alopecia" which is the scientific name for pattern hairloss . The reason you don't notice it so much in women is 1. They tend to lose it later in life. In men, hairloss can begin as early as the teens and usually peaks at about age 40. Women are most frequently affected after menopause. 2. Woman are more likely to cover it up with transplants and/or wigs etc. Also, contrary to what many people believe, pattern baldness can be inherited from either parent.

When a man gets older he starts to lose his hair.?

It can happen to women my brother is 65 and he has a full thick head of hair.

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